Modeling matter at extreme densities

at Texas A&M University

Jeremy W. Holt

Supported by

How investigating the properties of nuclear matter can lead to a better understanding of neutron stars and core-collapse supernovae

Highlighted works

  • Machine learning the nucleon - nucleon interaction (6/22/23)

    How generative machine learning models are being used to model the nuclear force and associated uncertainties.

  • Neutrino interactions in hot and dense matter (6/8/23)

    Understanding the role of nuclear collective excitations on neutrino propagation in core-collapse supernovae.

  • Neutron star bulk properties (4/19/22)

    Combining observational, theoretical, and experimental investigations to understand the bulk properties of neutron stars.

  • Simulating heavy-ion collisions (7/28/21)

    Studying charged pion production in relativistic heavy ion collisions from the Vlasov-Uehling-Uhlenbeck tranport model.

  • Machine learning for quantum many-body calculations (2/4/21)

    How a new class of machine learning models (normalizing flows) is helping to better understand hot and dense nuclear matter.

  • Microscopic nuclear scattering and reactions (9/17/20)

    Developing nucleon-nucleus scattering potentials from fundamental two-body and three-body forces.

Nuclear physics of high-energy astrophysical phenomena

Movie credit: NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center

Image credit: NASA/CXC/SAO